Car insurance is one of the most important types of insurance that you can get. If you are going to drive anywhere, then you are most likely required by law to have at least a minimal amount of car insurance. Once you are required to have that minimal amount, you might as well make sure that you get enough insurance to cover most of the possible things that could happen to you or your car while you're driving.
There are several things to consider when you are looking for car insurance. The first is what amount you're required to have by law - though usually you will get that information when you register your new vehicle and get your license plate. The second is that you should make sure that you know exactly who needs to be insured for your car.
Essentially, when you insure your car, most insurance policies want to know who is going to be driving it, and what their driving record is like. Then, depending on the driving records of the people you intend to put on your car insurance policy, the price may fluctuate. For this reason, you may want to limit the number of people you insure for your car, or limit who gets to drive it. This is another reason why you should be careful with your driving record. Serious violations can cause your car insurance rates to go up.
Most car insurance companies will give you a quote if you ask, and it is a good idea to get several quotes before you make your decision. Insurance is an important thing to shop around for because there are a lot of different factors that can differ from one insurance company to another.
Luckily, you can even get quotes from insurance companies that may or may not have a branch located near you. Most major insurance companies now have online sites which can give you a quick quote, or can direct you to a live person to get a more in depth insurance quote. If the company does not give quotes through its site, then you should be able to at least find a phone number to call for more information.
While car insurance may be expensive, in the end, it is almost always worth it. Just remember to look at several different companies before making a decision - and think about getting more than just the minimum amount of insurance.
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Car Insurance
Are You Insured To Drive Any Car
Many motorists have long benefited from the ?drive other cars? clause most insurers have included in their policies. This means that it is legal to drive a vehicle that does not belong to you, with the owner?s permission, and that you will be insured. Generally you are able to drive another person?s car if you are insured fully comprehensively but will be insured on that car third party fire and theft. A leading insurer, Norwich Union, has now changed its car insurance policy and will not cover people to drive cars for which they are not directly insured. The ?drive other cars? clause that has been included in most policies for years, has now come under the spotlight and motorists have been advised to check with their own insurance company before they borrow someone else?s car.
The benefit of being able to drive another person?s car depends upon a variety of factors not least whether the individual insurer allows this. Other factors include the age of the driver; they often have to be over 25, and the driver?s record. For example if the driver has made several claims and also has penalty points then they may not be covered to borrow someone else?s car.
Norwich Union is removing this option to drivers as it says that too many people are using it as a scam to reduce the cost of their car insurance. The ?drive other cars? clause is also seen by police to be a hindrance in overcoming the issue of uninsured drivers. This might be seen as a setback by many law abiding drivers who have been able to use someone else?s car in an emergency, such as taking someone to hospital. However, many dishonest drivers abuse the system by buying low cost car insurance for a small car and then borrowing high powered performance cars belonging to friends. These are cars that they would never normally be able to drive. Because of this new restriction insurers believe that dishonest behaviour will be curbed.
Other car insurance companies thought to be following suit include AA, Cornhill Direct, Royal & Sun Alliance and Axa. These changes are being made as a result of suggestions by the Department of Transport who feel that phasing out the clause will prevent uninsured drivers from getting an easy ride.
Paul Jenson from Hoot Car Insurance Services has this to say to drivers who are worried that they might not be insured:
?It?s always best to check that you are insured on another person?s car before you borrow it. In the past, more often than not, it?s been acceptable to drive your mate?s car but now many insurers are phasing this option out. You can have you name put on another person?s car insurance policy very cheaply so if you want to regularly drive your girlfriend or boyfriend?s car or your Mum doesn?t mind you borrowing hers, then you can do so legally. Insurance companies will also be lenient on people who have a genuine emergency, for example if they need to get to hospital quickly and the only car available belongs to someone else.?
Auto Accident Factoids
Accidents, personal injuries and insurance claims are here to stay. No matter how far into the 21st Century American?s elect to drive (unless by the beginning of the 22nd Century we?re all zipping around in our own personal space ship) motor vehicle accidents will continue to pile up; with no end in sight!
There are more than 200,000,000 licensed drivers in the United States. (As of 2003 we?re close to a yearly 7 million motor vehicle accidents, involving well over 3.5 million injuries).
Car accident crashes cost society an estimated $4,900 per second. That?s about $25,000 in the time it took to read this fact.
Current records show that most American driver?s will have a near motor vehicle accident 1 to 3 times per month and will be in a collision of some type on the average of every 5 to 8 years plus these records also indicate that licensed teenagers are 22 more times likely to get a speeding ticket than those who are 65 years of age or older.
In 1896 there were only four cars registered in all the United States. Two of them collided with each other in St. Louis.
By the year 2025 there will be 33 million people 70 years or older in America. This segment of the population will be growing 2.5 as fast as the total population. They will make up the largest percentage of the ?turning left? and ?rear end? accidents. Slowly but surely Senior Citizens have developed a higher accident ratio than teenagers. (This will, in time, seriously impact the typical Senior Citizen?s pocketbook). And also, by 2025, the total costs for motor vehicle accidents in the United States will exceed 450 billion dollars.
The world?s most solitary tree is located at an oasis in the Tenere Desert in Central Africa. There?s not one other standing tree within 31 miles. In 1960, it was smashed into by a truck.
Up-to-date statistics clearly reflect that 1 out of every 5 Americans are involved in an alcohol-related car crash at some time in their lives and the day in which motor vehicle accident injuries occur most often is Saturday. Sunday is second.
Records prove that a motor vehicle accident of as little speed as 5 MPH can produce a ?whiplash-type? injury.
The symptoms arising from an injury sustained in a motor vehicle accident do not necessarily present themselves immediately following an accident.
Medical research and clinical experience have accumulated enough information to demonstrate that the delay of an injury symptom is the norm.
Studies have established that the delay of a symptom does not eliminate the possibility of severe injury.
It?s been proven that individuals can continue to be symptomatic for many months (even years!) after a motor vehicle accident. In addition approximately 75% of them remain symptomatic for a minimum of 6 months after the accident. (And current up-to-date statistics reveal that between the first and second year after an accident has occurred over 20% of those injured actually have their symptoms worsen).
Copyright (c) 2003 by Daniel G. Baldyga. All Rights Reserved
DISCLAIMER: The only purpose of this article, MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT FACTOIDS has been created to help people understand the motor vehicle accident claim process
Dan Baldyga makes no guarantee of any kind whatsoever; NOR to substitute for a lawyer, an insurance adjuster, or claims consultant, or the like. Where such professional help is desired it is the INDIVIDUAL?S RESPONSIBILITY to obtain said services.
Dan Baldyga worked for over 30 years as an insurance adjuster, supervisor, manager and trial assistant. Since his retirement he has written 3 highly successful ?How To? Insurance Claim books. His latest: AUTO ACCIDENT PERSONAL INJURY INSURANCE CLAIM (How To Evaluate And Settle Your Loss) which includes BASE, The Baldyga Auto Accident Settlement Evaluation Formula for determining the value of ones ?Pain And Suffering?, can be found on the internet at
Buying Car Insurance
Automobile insurance is an increasing expense for almost all Americans. We can’t afford to have it, and we certainly can’t afford to NOT have it. When researching car insurance companies and comparing policies, it is a good idea to follow these easy guidelines to get the most coverage for your insurance dollars.
Get discount car insurance quotes from as many carriers as you can. Automobile insurance rates may vary drastically depending on the model of your car and the type of coverage you need. Consider as high a deductible as you can reasonably afford, since higher deductibles translate into lower insurance premiums. Review quotes and policies carefully to make sure you are only paying for coverage you really need. If you have homeowner insurance, ask your agent if you are covered already for certain items you might be charged again for on your auto policy.
After you have gotten quotes from different car insurance carriers, it is usually a good idea to create a spreadsheet to help you avoid comparing apples to oranges. Set up a scenario with car repairs and medical expense to best compare the coverage differences under real-life situations.
Once you have chosen the two least expensive automobile insurance policies for the coverage you need, contact a reputable body shop in your area for a referral. Automobile body shops deal with insurance companies every day, and you want to make sure the company you send your premiums to each month will be responsive and fair if you have to make an insurance claim. The body shop probably has a good insider opinion on how the insurance company operates, how long it takes to get an adjuster to view the damaged vehicle, how long it takes to get paid on a claim, how fair the estimate was, were used parts requested versus brand new parts and so on.
Trust me, a ten minute talk with a reputable body shop manager can reveal a lot of great information about an insurance company and how they tend to handle their claims. A few dollars difference in premium dollars to get coverage from a company that handles their claims properly may save you a world of hassle in the event of an automobile accident.
Car Insurance Companies Ask Complete Truth From Consumers
Statistics from car insurance companies have it that around 10% of all motorists and car owners do try to change vehicle statistics and blatantly lie so much so that they could get the whole insurance quite cheaper. However, even though one may get a cheaper quite, there are insurance specialists like Admiral who have started their information campaign that tells all drivers who would like to get cheaper quotes by saying something that is not the truth may have to face greater penalties than they may have expected.
What could happen if you lie about the information on your vehicle? Admiral says when they do check all those cars and car owners who have bought car insurance policies, they are not that surprised to find people who would give false information about their vehicles and driving styles. And when the company has proven that they are outright lies, what they do is they cancel the insurance without sending back the money to the person who purchased the car insurance.
Sue Longthorn is the managing director for Admiral and she expresses, "Some people think that by telling a small lie they can get a cheaper quote. In reality they are committing fraud. An insurance policy is a legal contract so its vital that you are honest, or that contract can be claimed invalid and cancelled."
What do people lie about? Admiral says that one of the top things that people lie about is their motoring convictions. They claim that they are good drivers and are totally far from accidents. However, it is important to note that if you have had any kind of motoring conviction during the last five years, it is essential that you disclose this to the company where you are purchasing that car insurance.
If you have modified your vehicle, you must also tell your car insurance agent about it. You see, when you do change something on your vehicle like perhaps adding a Hypertech programmer, the computations could change for your quote. Some modifications could ask you to pay a lower price while some may ask you to add some more cash for whatever change you did to your vehicle poses a much higher risk compared to standard vehicle models.
"Insurance companies have become much better at finding out if motorists are lying, and we have a number of ways of investigating anyone we think might not have told the truth. We are not trying to catch people out, but people must realize they have to be honest with their insurer. They might think a little white lie is harmless, but it could end up costing them a lot more in the long run," ends Longthorn.
10 Tips On Buying A Car Online
The most happening marketplace in the world today is the internet. E-commerce is here to stay on you can buy and sell just about anything on the World Wide Web from homes, to insurance, to cars to perfumes and medicines.
The internet is replete with websites that offer the world of automobiles at your fingertips. There are car directories, websites hosted by dealers, and websites owned by car manufacturers themselves.
In order to buy a car online you need first and foremost do your home work and learn all about online pricing, dealers tricks, sales strategies and more. Know how to get the best price and ensure that you are not cheated and get what you pay for. Remember knowledge is the greatest tool.
1. First and foremost determine what make of car you would like and whether or not it will fulfill your needs. Ask yourself: what am I going to use the car for; how many people will be traveling in the car; how much can I afford in terms of buying costs and running costs. Remember apart form the on road price you will need to spend for insurance, accessories, licenses, and more.
2. Once you know which model you want log on to the manufacturer's site and determine all the details of the model as well as specifications and pricing. Read as many reviews on the car you like as possible and note down what the pros and cons of the car are. Reliable reviews on the web can be found at sites like .
3. Get quotes for the same model from more than one dealer and make a comparison of what is on offer. Websites like give MSRPs, invoice prices, true market values and more.
4. Work out in detail what the car is going to cost in totality. That is on road price, dealers charges, insurance, taxes and so on. Find out whether you can buy the car by availing a loan and how much the loan will cover. To get the best rate you must provide the lender with your credit score and history and establish your credentials. There are tools on the internet that enable quick computation of loan options and comparisons.
5. Make a list of questions you need answers for from the dealer such as warranties, delivery costs, insurance coverage, cost of filing up the tank, available discounts, and any offers that give discounts on the price or free accessories like music systems or baby seats. Ask about whether they will furnish an onsite inspection report.
6. You can opt to buy insurance either from the dealer or from insurance sites. Even while purchasing insurance you will need to do a comparison shopping. Get quotes from different auto insurance providers and make the effort to compare insurance coverage packages.
7. There are wonderful sites on the internet that provide in depth information for newbies on how to buy a car and what to look for on the World Wide Web. Be sure to read and be an informed buyer.
8. Before you make any payments you must do a background check on the seller. Find out how long they have been in operation; ask for references that you can check on personally; check online whether there are any complaints registered against them for unethical practices; and check with the local better business bureau. Always check the credentials to protect your interests.
9. Ensure that the website from where you intend to buy a car has state-of -art security systems in place and that the payment gateways are secure. You must be assured of your safety before providing personal or financial details.
10. Before finalizing the car purchase, read through the agreement carefully and when in any doubt ask for clarifications. Most online auto sales websites have 24/7 customer service or answer e-mails promptly.
The World Wide Web can bring several conveniences to your desk top provided you know how to protect your interests.
Tips For Choosing A Great Car Insurance Plan
Depending on which state you live in, having car insurance might be optional or mandatory. Regardless of the laws, it is a good idea to protect yourself by having coverage on your vehicle. You never know when a storm might cause damage, your vehicle might get vandalized, or you are involved in an accident.
It can be tricky shopping around for the best car insurance because you will find you aren't always comparing apples to apples. While one car insurance plan may offer you a lower premium, it may have a higher deductible or offer a lower payout when you file a claim.
Before you start shopping around, find out the laws in your state. If you are required to carry vehicle insurance, find out the details of the minimum coverage that is required. Next you need to decide on the deductible you are willing to pay. This is the amount you will be responsible for each time you file a claim before the insurance company will pay anything.
You will also have to decide if you want to get full coverage or liability insurance coverage. Most of the time you will need to have full coverage insurance if you have a loan out with the vehicle as collateral. With liability coverage only, your premium will be lower but you will only be covered if you are liable for the accident. Should the other party be at fault or your car gets vandalized your insurance plan won't cover it.
If you already have insurance with a particular agency for your home, start by getting a quote from them. Most insurance companies will offer you a discount if you have more than one type of policy with them. They can even combine the payments together for one easy monthly payment.
Searching for the best car insurance for young drivers with convictions ?
The goal of this short article is to help you lower the costs of your cover. Simple but legal steps can be taken
to help reduce your car insurance for young drivers with convictions annual cost. Lots of the information can be
used today to get instant discounts although other methods take place over a longer period and take some time to
reduce the price of your cover. Some of the methods will not work for you but if you a searching for car
insurance for young drivers with convictions the methods are presented to help you lower you insurance cover
Areas we will be looking at are how to pay for your premium, third party fire and theft and comprehensive
policies, pass plus discounts just to name some of the topics.
Item 1 Pick a low group car - Sports cars and hot hatches costs way more to get car insurance on. A definite way
to reduce the costs of your car insurance for young drivers with convictions is to find a low insurance group
Item 2 Naming insured drivers - Unless the driver is your spouse then naming one normally costs extra. Costs
vary but for younger drivers costs will be significantly more. Therefore only name those that will drive your
motor vehicle. Sometimes if the person you need to name has their own vehicle they will have the driving other
cars extension anyway so could drive you motor on a third party only basis. This may be adequate for you
depending on the value of your car. Many insurance companies will allow you to add an additional driver
temporarily mid term through your insurance year.
Item 3 Compare prices ! Once your insurance renewal comes through start to shop around for quotes, don't leave
it too late. Make a list and ring or submit your details online to a minimum of 4 motor insurers. Price
comparison sites can be used to pick the most competitive brokers or direct insurers. Make a list of the prices
and compare benefits as well as costs.
Item 4 Upgrade your licence ! Another way to reduce the costs of your car insurance for a young driver with
convictions is by taking extra driving tuition. If you are a new driver then the pass plus is a good way to
reduce your insurance costs. Many insurers now offer an introductory discount of 30% for people with the pass
plus. The pass plus offers advanced driving in areas such as town driving, all weather driving, night driving
and driving on motorways. Other courses are aimed towards more mature drivers such as Rospa, IAM, and Diamond.
Item 5 How to pay ! The best way to pay for your car insurance is to pay with a one off payment. most companies
make extra profit on car insurance for young drivers with convictions by charging interest for direct debit
payments. If you can't afford to pay in one then paying on your credit car could be a better alternative. Check
first but in many cases the APR charged by the insurer will be higher than the Mastercard or Visa company.
Where do I go from here ? - Visit Car Insurance Young
Car Insurance Moving to the Internet
Driving these days is a risk. That is why companies, like Prudential Car Insurance, stress the importance of insuring your vehicle. Not only do you have to worry about your own driving, but the elements (like hail, a fallen limb or tree, or even something as severe as a tornado), and especially other drivers (not everyone you face on the road is going to have insurance coverage they need or should have no matter what the law may be) are a continuous risk on and off the road.
Finding the right car insurance for you could be as easy a click away. Prudential Car Insurance is just one of the many companies who have discovered the connection that the internet affords them with customers. Some even offer live, online chatting opportunities with service representatives. Others have email options for customer service. Even the policies can often be found online, making buying insurance even easier than the day when the sales representative actually came to your home.
Car insurance has grown into an industry all its own over the last few decades. Still, many of the companies in that field of insurance did not did not start out that way. As the needs and activities of consumers has grown and developed, so has the offerings of the insurance industry. Prudential Car Insurance is just one of the companies that continue to focus on the changing trends of the consumer base.
If you are going to get on the road, it is a good idea to cover yourself, your car, and your future. Prudential Car Insurance, or any of the other competitive companies in the car insurance industry, is making the search for coverage easier and more user friendly (through internet policies, online customer service, longer hours, and better telephone access). The right coverage for you is simply a phone call - or a maybe just a click - away.
Young Drivers Car Insurance Gets Expensive
Getting a car for a newly licensed driver can sometimes be less expensive than paying for young drivers car insurance. Because of the high risk that many of these inexperienced drivers pose on the road, insurance companies expect to pay out benefits at a higher rate. This has pushed the premiums to unimaginable heights.
It is particularly costly to get young drivers car insurance for teenage boys. It has been proven repeatedly that these are the drivers most likely to speed, get caught racing, or generally driving in unacceptable ways. For generations, the industry has been looking for responsible ways to curb the dangerous driving habits of young male drivers.
Officials in Scotland may have finally stumbled on a method to help control the driving habits of the inexperienced males, while at the same time increasing their driving skills. They are giving them exactly what they want and teaching them how to do it.
A new program is being set up that will allow young drivers to go as fast as they want to - in a controlled setting. The Scottish police have teamed up with track officials and are offering free laps at the Knockhill racing circuit in a bid to curb speeding along the nearby Kirkcaldy Esplanade. They are hoping that it will teach young drivers that speeding is okay in the right situation, but it's not safe to do on the public roads.
Although the new program will not do anything to lower the initial cost of young drivers car insurance, it could help to lower the cost in the following years. If the new drivers are able to keep points off their records and keep themselves accident free, then the premiums will eventually begin to fall. In the mean time, the speeding experiment should prove to be loads of fun.
Car shipping Steps by mercys
The following car shipping tips will help you to understand more about the steps that are involved in car shipping.
1. Price. The first question you would want ask is "what is the total cost?" Obtain quotes from few car transport and auto drive away companies and then be prepared to provide:
Origination and destination Approximate exit date Type of vehicle(s) Type of car transport service that is desired Special car transport services if any
2. Payment method. While some car shipping and auto drive away companies might not need payment in advance, others need a deposit (10-25% of the total cost), or full sum in advance. If a deposit is given, sum due is always necessary at time of delivery - frequently with a cashiers ensure or cash. Sometimes a surcharge of 2-3% is necessary when using a credit card with a car transport or auto drive away company.
3. Contract. Read your contract carefully! It is important note! Do not rely on any vocal promises from your car convey company. Ask for a contract clause (in writing) that surrenders the cancellation fee if the car is not picked up by your car transport business within some number of days of the planned pickup date. If you cancel within the allotted window, expect to pay some fee that might differ from $50 to $250. Although most cars are picked up on the planned to date or within a few days of that date, a 1 or 2 week wait may sporadically happen. Your cancellation part should allow for at least a week ahead of planned pickup date.
4. Insurance. Your vehicle(s) need to be insured against damage and theft by your car transport company or any auto drive away. Ask for a real copy of insurance policy coverage. Ask if the carrier's insurance coverage is primary or secondary to your own insurance in the affair of damage during car transport. Also ask if there is damage deductible - validate all in writing. Also note, which congestion your stalk with heavy items might result in damage to your car's undercarriage.
5. Saying goodbye to your car. Prior to departure your car with a driver or car transport company, be certain you get an "creative check report." this report gives pick-up and discharge information, current mileage, and most prominently shows the condition of your car at time of spontaneous, pre-existing scraped and dents, cracked glass/mirrors, universal coat condition, etc. keep this report and use it when you obtain your vehicle.
Car Gap Insurance Cheap by Mar
Car Gap Insurance is used for new or used car purchases. As probably know, your car will depreciate about twenty percent as soon as you drive it off the lot. When your car loan is for less than the replacement value of your car, that is called being upside down on your car loan. However your current car insurance will probably only credit you wil the actual value of your car if you total it, or if it is stolen. Can you imagine being out $4,000 on a $20,000 car? Just because you lost or wrecked your car, and your car insurance will only pay book value, doesn't mean you don't have to repay the loan!Car GAP insurance covers the gap between what your car is worth and what you owe on it. Your car dealer will probably offer you this insurance, but will want to charge around $700 for it. You can purchase car insurance directly from the insurance company, and save hundreds of dollars. Find Car Gap Insurance for $299! Protect your investment for less.
California, Do You Have Auto Coverage?
Trying to find an alternate route to work when nearly 280,000 other commuters are scrambling to find their way into the city can definitely increase the odds of getting involved in a fender-bender. San Francisco Bay area interstate travelers will be the first to tell you that you cannot predict accidents or catastrophes. Whether you are involved in a natural disaster, auto accident or other catastrophe, insurance plays an important role in securing your funds for the future. Californian or not, it's always important to see what auto insurance coverage your state suggests or requires.
There's a long stretch of road between Redding and San Diego, California - which means many opportunities for unexpected auto accidents to occur. The Bay Bridge between Oakland and San Francisco, for example, is a hotbed of confusion and congestion that travelers are trying to navigate and conquer.
Between the excitement of summer and trying to secure your vacation plans, preparing for an auto disaster is probably the last thing on your mind. But the summer heat and unexpected bumps in the road can both wreak havoc on your auto and put you in jeopardy if you're not prepared. If something happens while you're driving down that long California interstate, are you covered? Let's sift through your car insurance policy to consider your options:
What coverages are included in an auto insurance package?
When you purchase auto insurance, you usually have several options - you can purchase medical, liability, property and under/uninsured motorist coverage.
Medical coverage in an auto insurance package will take care of treating injuries to those in the policyholder's automobile. Medical coverage will be provided if the person is a passenger or hit as a pedestrian.
Liability is your financial responsibility to someone for damage you cause - whether the damage is to another person or to someone's property. When you purchase liability coverage, the insurance company agrees to defend you in court and/or reimburse the other party for damages you cause.
California state laws require motorists to purchase the following liability insurance amounts.
$15,000 - bodily injury liability for one person injured in an accident $30,000 - bodily injury liability for all injuries in one accident $5,000 - property damage liability for one accident
Covering property damage includes comprehensive and collision insurance.
Comprehensive coverage insures accidental damage to the auto including fire, wind, sleet, theft, vandalism and similar damages.
Collision coverage reimburses for damage caused by colliding with another object, regardless of who or what is at fault.
What happens if the person that hits you is uninsured or does not have proper coverage to take care of your entire loss? Purchasing uninsured and/or underinsured motorist coverage will cover both of those situations.
If you have not glanced through your auto insurance policy in awhile, it's time to consider reviewing it. The warm summer weather means your air conditioning will be running longer and your engine will be working harder. It's important to take time right now and make sure you will be covered if you find yourself stuck on that long stretch of California road between Redding and San Diego.